August 2017

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August 2017

News & Notices

USITT Presents Goes to Hawaii

Train with industry leaders Joe Aldridge, Coordinator for EED, and Eddie Raymond, ETCP Recognized Trainer, on September 11-14 for OSHA 10 and Rigging Training in Honolulu, HI.

The OSHA 10-hour program (September 11-12) provides training on OSHA general industry safety and health regulations for entertainment professionals of all skill levels. Special emphasis is placed on those areas that are the most hazardous, using OSHA standards as a guide. Upon completion of both days you will have earned your OSHA 10 card.

This customized OSHA 10 training is brought to you by the IATSE Entertainment and Exhibition Industries Training Trust Fund and USITT as part of the alliance between these organizations and OSHA.

Stay for all four days to include the Theatrical Rigging Course, ideal for individuals that need to refresh or update their procedures, secondary educators who work with auditorium rigging, and entry level riggers. If you have ever wanted to know how to fly scenery, or to reinforce the skills that you already have, this is the course for you.

Early registration ends August 15, so register and book your travel now before this deal sails away!

For more information, go to