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Conference & Stage Expo
For the Record

David W. Will, Vice President for Conferences, wraps up the 2010 Annual Conference & Stage Expo in Kansas City, Kansas on Saturday, April 3.

Photos/R. Finkelstein

A Kansas City Wrap- up

To the Membership:

It is hard to imagine that two months have gone by since we were in Kansas City for the Annual Conference & Stage Expo. The 50th Anniversary Celebration is in the books, and I wish to say, "Thank you!" It will be hard to forget Joel Rubin's Fellows address along with Sally Struthers, Oscar Brockett, Jennifer Tipton, and Matt Conover. Each day gave us something new to think about; something new to celebrate. And celebrate we did!

The final numbers are in, and 4,096 persons gathered in Kansas City, Missouri March 31 to April 3. To everyone who was able to attend, I wish to say, "Thank you."

Had it not been for the work of the 50th Anniversary Committee, chaired by Bobbi Owen, we would not have the framework from which we formulated our celebration. To all of those on that committee, I wish to say, "Thank you."

To the Commissioners for their programming, to Exhibitors for the largest Stage Expo ever (complete with that Center Stage), and to all the presenters and panelists, I wish to say, "Thank you."

I also want to acknowledge this year's Conference Committee. This group deserves a little extra pat on the back for all of the hard work they put into the planning and execution of this year's conference; I wish to say, "Thank you."

And finally, to the USITT office staff. Your work, commitment, and dedication to the Institute is remarkable. I wish to say, "Thank you."

Thanks Kansas City! Hello, Charlotte and number 51!

Dave Will
Vice-President for Conferences

PS. I do wish to give an extra big thank you to those Founders who decided one day to bring together a group of theatre designers, technicians, and manufacturers 50 years ago.

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Michael Mehler, Vice-President for Programming, makes a point about upcoming activities at the 2010 Annual Conference.