Find New Employees Easily!
Michelle L. Smith
Membership & Ad Sales Manager
Consider posting open positions on JobsUSITT to find qualified help faster. New ads are published weekly and the position listings are searchable by key word or type of employer. Ads submitted by Tuesday 12 pm (Mountain Time) publish on Thursday of the same week. Rates are $1 per word ($50 min. per ad) for each 30 day posting.
Advertising is as easy as completing an on-line form and providing credit card information. Verifications of ad submissions and receipts are sent via e-mail.
USITT organizational member enjoy special savings on JobsUSITT ad listings:
- Organizational - 10% discount
- Sustaining - one free ad (30 day insertion) per year
- Contributing - unlimited free ads.
To receive the discount, enter member number and level of membership in the space provided online. All discounts are verified by staff.
Complete information on advertising in JobsUSITT is available here. To learn more about the benefits of organizational levels of membership, click here.
If you have questions or suggestions for a new benefit or discount, contact Membership & Ad Sales Manager Michelle L. Smith at 800-938-7488 or
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