Stage Expo 2007 Phoenix
in Great Shape
Helen Willard
Stage Expo Sales Manager
If you have seen the Stage Expo map on the Conference website (click for map) you may have noticed that Stage Expo 2007 will be shaped much like Stage Expo 2005 in Toronto. Exhibit Halls D/E and the Ballroom in the Phoenix Convention Center's South Building stretch 500 feet from one side to the other, and 230 feet from the front of the hall to the back, creating a space that is more than twice as wide as it is deep. With 16 aisles running from front-to-back and just six aisles running from side-to-side, it seems that all of our exhibitors will be close to the front of the exhibit halls.
Another unusual feature about the exhibit halls we will be using in Phoenix is that one section, the Ballroom, includes a large stage. That stage will be the home for Cover the Walls 2007, as well as some of the other special exhibits planned for Phoenix. Look for more details on those special exhibits in an upcoming issue of Sightlines.
Our exhibit halls in the Phoenix Convention Center are conveniently located immediately adjacent to the registration area and meeting rooms. In most convention centers the exhibit halls and meeting rooms are on different levels, separated by escalator rides up and down. In the South Building of the PCC, everything is on one level. The conference registration area will be in Lobby Two, just inside the 3rd Street entrance of the PCC, with the Tucson and Yuma meeting rooms flanking the registration lobby on either side.
The South Building of the Convention Center is just a couple blocks from the Hyatt Regency and Wyndham hotels, as well as the Orpheum Theatre, putting all of our conference venues within easy walking distance. With Phoenix's mild March weather, getting from the hotels to the convention center will be a breeze.
At the right is a preliminary list of exhibitors for Stage Expo 2007. |
Already Booked for Stage Expo 2007 as of November 10, 2006
- A.C. Lighting Inc.
- A.C.T Lighting, Inc.
- The University of Alabama
- Altman Lighting, Inc.
- American Harlequin Corporation
- Apollo Design Technology, Inc.
- University of Arizona
- Arizona State University
- Bad Dog Tools
- Barbizon Lighting Company
- Ben Nye Makeup
- Boston University Theatre
- Brandeis University
- California Institute of the Arts
- California State University - Fullerton
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Cirque du Soleil
- City Theatrical Inc.
- J.R. Clancy, Inc.
- Clear-Com Communication Systems
- Columbus McKinnon Corp.
- Comfor Tek Seating Inc.
- Conductix, Inc.
- d&b audiotechnik
- Dazian Fabrics, LLC
- University of Delaware
- Dye Pro Distributors Inc.
- Educational Theatre Association (EdTA)
- Electronic Theatre Controls (ETC)
- Electronics Diversified Inc.
- Entertainment Services & Technology Association (ESTA)
- The ESTA Foundation/Behind the Scenes
- Entertainment Technology
- Farthingales
- Florida State University
- Future Light
- GALA Systems, Inc.
- University of Georgia
- Glimmerglass Opera
- GoboMan
- Grosh Scenic Rentals
- H & H Specialties Inc.
- HCamburn Associates
- HM Electronics, Inc.
- I.A.T.S.E. Local #336
- IATSE Local 1
- University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- Illinois State University
- Indiana University
- International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE)
- Irwin Seating Company
- Kenmark, Inc.
- Kreinik Mfg. Co Inc
- Kryolan Corporation
- Le Maitre Special Effects Inc.
- LEE Filters
- Lehigh Electric Products Co.
- Leprecon
- Lex Products Corp.
- Lighting & Electronics, Inc.
- Limelight Productions, Inc.
- Live Design Magazine/LDI Show
- Look Solutions USA, Ltd.
- Make-Up Designory
- Martin Professional, Inc.
- MDG Fog Generators
- Mehron, Inc.
- University of Memphis
- Meyer Sound Laboratories, Inc. / LCS Series
- Minnesota State University, Mankato
- University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
- Mongol Global Tour Company, Inc.
- University of Nevada - Las Vegas
- Norcostco, Inc.
- North Carolina School of the Arts
- The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Oregon Shakespeare Festival
- The Painter's Journal
- PatternMaker Software
- PCPA Theaterfest
- Period Corsets by Kaufman-Davis Studio Inc.
- Production Intercom, Inc.
- RC4 Wireless/Soundsculpture Inc.
- Robert Juliat
- Rosco Laboratories, Inc.
- Rose Brand Theatrical Fabrics, Fabrications & Supplies
- Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
- Santa Fe Opera
- Sapsis Rigging Entertainment Services, Inc.
- Savannah College of Art & Design
- Sculptural Arts Coating, Inc.
- SeaChanger by Ocean Optics
- Selecon
- Serapid, Inc.
- The Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey
- Show Distribution Group Inc.
- Smooth-On, Inc.
- University of South Dakota
- Stage Directions Magazine
- Stage Research, Inc.
- Stagecraft Industries, Inc.
- StageRight Corporation
- Stagestep
- Staging Concepts, Inc.
- Steeldeck Inc.
- Strand Lighting
- Strong Entertainment Lighting
- Syracuse Scenery & Stage Lighting Co., Inc.
- Texas Scenic Company
- Texas Tech University
- Thematics
- Thern Inc.
- James Thomas Engineering
- Tiffin Scenic Studios, Inc.
- Tulane University
- Union Connector Co., Inc.
- United Scenic Artists Local USA 829
- Utah Festival Opera
- Utah Shakespearean Festival
- VectorWorks SPOTLIGHT by Nemetschek North America
- Walt Disney Entertainment
- Wayne State University Dept of Theatre
- Wenger Corporation
- Wybron, Inc.
- Yale School of Drama/Repertory Theatre
- ZFX, Inc.
- Zucker Feather Products