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Those seeking jobs have often turned to Sightlines, from the more recent online Classified ads, right to the 1980s printed version, below. Now job offerings can be found in the new JobsUSITT searchable online forum.

by Barbara E.R. Lucas

Traditional Ads Make Way
For New JobsUSITT

For more than 20 years, those who had employment opportunities have relied on USITT to help find the most qualified applicants. In the 1980s, this took the form of announcements or job vacancy listings. In the 1990s and early part of the 21st century, these listings increased and became a bigger part of Sightlines.

Now, a more sophisticated and timely method of seeking positions or finding people to fill those positions has evolved. Readers have had the opportunity to "test drive" JobsUSITT over the past several months. Starting with this issue, it is fully functioning and takes over the spot traditionally occupied by our "Classified" listings.

Whether they are advertising a job or internship, reviewing career options, or just looking over what changes are occurring nearby or nationally, JobsUSITT readers have a new tool designed for easy use. Search by key words or location with a few keystrokes, and enjoy the next stage as USITT transitions the resources it provides advertisers and readers.

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