More than 75 designers and technicians attended the Ohio Valley Regional Section's Fall Conference held October 1 at the College-Conservatory of Music at the University of Cincinnati. CCM's staff pulled out the red carpet and provided workshops and tours of the facilities.
Programmable Logic Code for Moving Scenery was a big hit, running two sessions back to back. We couldn't tear people away from Paul Short's Short Cuts in Set Model-Making Kelly Yurko's Airbrush Make-up and Michele Kay's Stage Management were popular with most students. And, as always, High End Systems Catalyst Media Server & DL1 Digital Light brought out all the lighting "geeks"; and Josh Liebert's Looping Software session brought out the sound "geeks." Costumers loved Kelly Yurko's Wig Textures and George Sarofeen's Costume Rendering with Markers. The most difficult task of the day was deciding which events to attend.
The conference also featured the annual Design Exhibition and Peggy Ezekiel Awards. The section presented numerous awards for distinction and excellence. The winners' names are posted on the OVS web site under Peggy Ezekiel Awards.
The strength of this conference was the diversity of the programs and the opportunity to work with the great staff of designers and technicians from CCM's Department of Technical Production and Design. Special thanks go to Vice-Chair for Programming, Chuck Hatcher, resident sound designer at CCM.
Below is Kevin Oakeson presenting a lighting session in the PCT Theatre.
Submitted by James Hill, Section Chair
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