Standards Under Review
ESTA has two standards available for review on its web site.
BSR E1.26, Entertainment Technology - Recommended Testing Methods and Values for Shock Absorption of Floors Used in Live Performance Venues, is available for public review through December 7, 2005.
At this time, there is no recognized standard for measuring the energy absorption of theatre stage and rehearsal room floors, which can lead to disagreements about whether floors are too stiff or too flexible and difficulties in resolving these disagreements. Floors that are either too stiff or too flexible can lead to performer injuries or excessive effort in performing dance or gymnastic movements. This draft standard is intended to improve this situation.
The public is invited to comment on the draft document, which is available at Besides commenting on whether the document is clearly written and adequately addresses the problem, the public is also asked to look for and to report any protected intellectual property.
The BSR E1.26 project is an undertaking of the Floors Working Group. The Floors Working Group is seeking new voting members who could be classified as being in the dealer/rental company interest category. Employees or owners of companies that sell or rent floors to others are invited to join the Floors Working Group. Information about joining this working group and all the other working groups in the Technical Standards Program is available at
A revised version of the existing ANSI E1.1-1999, Entertainment Technology - Construction and Use of Wire Rope Ladders is available for public review through December 13, 2005. The document is available at
The revised version of E1.1 is being offered for public review because substantive changes were made to the SI measurements given in the last public review version. The SI and American customary dimensions were substantially different, so these have been modified to make them functionally the same.
Reviewers are asked to see if the document now gives adequate and accurate guidance on the construction and use of wire rope ladders, and are asked to identify any protected intellectual property they might see in the draft document.
The revision of ANSI E1.1-1999, Entertainment Technology - Construction and Use of Wire Rope Ladders is being done by the Rigging Working Group.
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