Submissions for USITT/US Prague Quadrennial 2019 Exhibit Design Competition are Open

USITT is seeking conceptual design submissions from individual designers and teams for the National Exhibit and Emerging Artist Exhibit for Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space 2019.
The working theme of the 2019 exhibit is Porous Borders. The goal for the exhibition design is to create an evocative and interesting architectural and sculptural space that merges cohesively with multimedia work and engages with the audience for an immersive experience. The Prague Quadrennial (PQ) is the largest performance design event in the world; it is often described as the Olympics or World Fair for performance designers.
Any theatrical designer, exhibit designer, interior designer, interior architect, or architect may submit a design concept. You do not need to be a member of USITT to enter.
Winners will be announced Nov 13, 2017.
In recent times, the PQ has served as a meeting point for artists from every continent, artists whose traditions and professional lives might not otherwise converge.
Oct. 30, 2017 is the deadline for submissions. To enter your submission, click here.