The Joint Training Initiative of USITT and The ESTA Foundation will hold Lighting and Console Training Sessions at North Carolina School of the Arts July 7 to 10. The four-day schedule includes courses for lighting programmers, technicians, and electricians, at both basic and advanced levels. The courses will be taught by ETCP Certified Electricians Richard Cadena and Eric Rimes at the NSCA campus in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
Upon completion of the courses, participants will qualify for Continuing Education Credits through NCSA as well as Renewal Credits for ETCP Certified Entertainment Electricians.
Eric Rimes, NCSA Professor, ETCP Certified Entertainment Electrician, and ETCP Recognized Trainer, will present the four-day Basic Programming Track. Day one will start with basic planning and lighting design skills. The sessions will build from that base and progress through advanced design and paperwork skills. Days three and four take advantage of the unique light lab facilities of NCSA, moving through basic and advanced programming techniques for Expression consoles. At the end of day four, participants will be encouraged to show off their new skills with a lighting demonstration set to music.
Richard Cadena, ETCP Certified Entertainment Electrician and ETCP Recognized Trainer, will present the four-day Intermediate/Advanced Programming Track. Day one will start with show prep concepts for both power and control distribution. Day two sessions will be the light lab for hands-on design and paperwork experience on multiple WYSIWYG machines. Days three and four will move from visualization to real world execution. Participants will gain hands-on experience on both moving light consoles and off-line editors (Hog and Hog PC).
Complete course descriptions, fees, and the registration form are available at:
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