Annual Conference
Enhanced by Sponsorships
Michelle L. Smith
Membership & Ad Sales Manager
Visitors to Stage Expo did not miss the chance to use the Cyber Cafés - computer kiosks that allowed them to check email and search the web in between visiting exhibitors. This vital service was made possible by sponsors City Theatrical, Inc.; IATSE Local 1; Live Design Magazine; Meyer Sound Laboratories, Inc.; and Staging Concepts, Inc.
Conference attendees turned out in great numbers for Opening Night - an evening of conversation and hors d'oeuvres held in the ballroom at the Hilton Americas. This fun reception is free to all Conference participants and would not be possible without the support of our sponsors: AV Pro, Inc.; Electronic Theatre Controls (ETC); Martin Professional, Inc.; SECOA; and Texas Scenic Company.
Several participants were able to enjoy a Walking Tour of the Houston Theatre District, which included going backstage at several well-known theatres including the Alley Theatre. Bus transportation to the theatre district was made possible by Morris Architects.
USITT appreciates the generous support of our sponsors who help make the Conference a better experience for all who attend. Members are encouraged to let sponsors know they appreciate the great events and services they help provide.
USITT's Conference sponsorship program is coordinated by Michelle L. Smith, Membership & Ad Sales Manager. If you have question about sponsorship, contact her at the USITT office at 800-938-7488 ext. 102 or
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