Coming Soon!
To a Convention Center Near You  (Or
Not  )
Joe Aldridge
Vice President for Conferences
I am frequently approached by members
who want to know why we have been avoiding bringing the USITT
Annual Conference & Stage Expo to a city near them. All
too often I am asked what I have against a particular area
of the country or a city that they know would be "perfect" for
the Conference. I take note of the suggestions and questions
and try to be as open and honest as is possible in replying.
After speaking with a regional section at the 2008 Conference
in Houston, I decided that I should share the same information
with the rest of the membership.
To be perfectly honest, we
would really like to be able to hit every section, in rotation,
as often as possible. The reality is that not every section
has the resources – convention center, hotels, etc. – that
can accommodate our event. Or, if a location has those resources,
they are in such high demand that we are unable to negotiate
a reasonable price for the use of those facilities, and it
becomes unfeasible to bring the conference to that city or
The west coast is a prime example of that
challenge. In the five years I have been VP-Conferences,
I have attempted to negotiate with San Diego, Los Angeles,
Las Vegas, Seattle, San Francisco/Oakland, Portland, and other
west coast cities to no avail. We, the USITT Conference & Stage
Expo, are an interesting anomaly. We require a tremendous
amount of space, – 125,000+ square feet of exhibit space,
35 to 45 meeting rooms on a continuous basis for four days,
and 4,000+ sleeping rooms.
In return, we don't generate
what they consider "enough" income for these cities
to lower the costs of the space needed to an amount that is
affordable to both the Institute and to the members. Generally,
we can negotiate a decent price on the exhibit and meeting
space but not on the sleeping rooms.
As many have noticed,
the hotel room rates seem to be getting a bit higher each
year. We work very hard to maintain a "reasonable" rate
in the cities which are chosen. The six or so desirable cities
on the West Coast have set room rates starting at $225 and
going higher. Not many members, attendees, or exhibitors can
afford three to five nights at that rate. We may have to bite
the bullet and pay those prices if we are to take the conference
to any of these sites which members consider more desirable
in the future.
Price isn't the only sticking point in
negotiations. Dates play an important part in finding a suitable
location. Traditionally, USITT's Conference is held
the second or third weekend in March. On occasion, we go outside
of those dates if we are able to negotiate a really good deal
for the membership. These dates are prime dates for other
conferences and conventions as well, which can create challenges
for us in negotiating for a venue that we really want to visit
with the conference. We attempt to negotiate as far in advance
as is practical in order to lock in favorable rates.
times in the recent past, we were fortunate enough to look
at cities that had open dates with circumstances that favored
USITT. Phoenix was in the midst of a major renovation to
the convention center, had open dates, and desperately needed
to do business just to show others that they were still operating
in spite of the chaos that seemed to be present due to the
Louisville also was facing a challenge
that worked to our benefit. Cincinnati was willing to negotiate
rates if we would sign a two-year deal, so 2009 and 2015 became
the dates we will be holding the conference in Cincinnati.
Unfortunately, we can not count on finding those "bargains" every
time we sit down to negotiate.
While many cities seem to be
ideal sites for the conference (at least in someone's
mind), the harsh reality is that, until we can do a site visit
to examine the resources closely, we don't know what
we will discover that could prevent us from seriously considering
that city as a viable site. In the past five years I have
visited numerous cities. While examining the facilities available,
we often find that the folks at the local Convention & Visitors
Bureau (CVB) are more optimistic than realistic when talking
about the adequacy of their resources.
We produce an RFP (request
for proposal) that is very detailed and precise in what we
need (minimally) to produce our conference. Even so, I have
encountered CVB representatives who insist that our show
can be done in a venue that is 2/3 the size needed. Unfortunately,
this has occurred in cities that otherwise could have been
a perfect fit for our conference.
Finding ways to provide
our Conference with the ideal location, nearby hotels with
reasonably-priced rooms, and a whole variety of other factors
takes time. I have been fortunate to have seen dozens of
wonderful cities, have met lots of interesting people, and
have personally viewed hundreds of hotel guest rooms, one
at a time! All of this was accomplished while educating CVB
and hotel representatives about USITT and the good work done
by its members.
As I often explain, USITT is a unique
organization with very specific needs. The success our of
Annual Conference & Stage Expo
means we must spend the time and resources to be assured of
the correct "fit" that helps make our events so
enjoyable to our vendors, members, and guests.
I urge you
all to join us in Cincinnati this March and in Kansas City
in 2010, see whether you agree with our choices, and then
suggest a location for future Conferences.
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