Accepting Applications for First Travel Award
Sandy Bonds
VP International Activities
The Toronto Conference & Stage Expo was an inspiring example of how international interactions can enrich our perspectives of our field. The International Committee hosted the OISTAT World Congress and the World Stage Design exhibit, and were joined by over 100 international guests from 30 countries.
The astonishingly creative designs from across the globe in the WSD exhibit were a mere glimpse of the scope of productions in contemporary theatre worldwide. The presenters, from Jean Guy Lecat's illuminating session on the world of Peter Brook to Pirjo Valinen's portfolio and display of costumes made from paper, offered further insight into interpretations of theatre beyond our borders.
In addition to bringing the world to USITT conferences, the International Committee has acted to send USITT members out into the world. In 2004, a new international travel award was established for Individual and Professional Members of USITT. Alternating with the Student International Travel Award, this award addresses the need to facilitate funding for international activities for individuals and professionals. Cross-cultural references influence professional activities almost daily from teaching history to designing productions written by playwrights from other countries.
This award was initiated to enhance understanding of this global context of theatre through advanced examination in theatre related fields. Projects eligible for funding include research for productions or scholarly pursuits, and attendance at theatre festivals, exhibitions, and workshops. As with other USITT awards, winners are asked to share their projects with the membership through a conference session or publication.
The first Individual/Professional International Travel Award for $2,500 will be granted in 2006. Applications are due by December 10, 2005 and the selection will be announced January 10, 2006. Travel needs to be completed within one year. For additional details and application form, go to the Travel Award page on the USITT website. It is located in the Awards section of Major Activities. For questions, contact Sandy Bonds at
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Sandy Bonds, USITT's Vice-President for International Activities, has created a collection of masks from her travels throughout the world. Above is a mask from Cuba while below is a mask from Japan.